How to Access Akashic Records?

Many people believe anyone can access the Akashic records. However, some schools of thought say one must be specifically trained to access this universal source of wisdom. Most Akashic practitioners suggest that Akashic Records are entirely unbiased and factual. 

What are Akashic Records? 

Some people accept the Akashic records as the energy that makes up everything in the universe, throughout all of space and time. This energy which we refer to as Akasha is a combination of the Sanskrit word “ākāśa,” meaning hidden or secret space, with the root word “kāś,” meaning simply “to be.” This knowledge is believed to be stored in the ethereal plane, a non-physical place part of the cosmic whole. 

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Why access Akashic Records?

Many people are accessing the Akashic records as personal growth and self-development tools. The collective consciousness of humanity is growing so that access to Akashic Records is no longer restricted to saints or mystics. Modern practitioners help individuals access their Akashic records through prayer and meditation. You can find your intuitive study and work with spirit guides for assistance.

Trauma is passed down from our souls from one life to another. Suppose we are learning to access and unlock our Akashic records. In that case, we not only can help release ancestral karmic debt but also free ourselves and open the door to universal grace and blessings. 

How to access Akashic Records?

You have to follow a few simple steps when attempting to access the Akashic knowledge base:

1. Identifying and focusing on your research

To access your Akashic records, deciding first what you seek is essential. What do you require from this Akashic knowledge? If you answered this question, it’s necessary to start connecting to your Akashic Records. If you don’t decide what you are looking for, your search will lead you nowhere. 

You will deal with great difficulty while accessing any helpful information. Possible intentions enclose:

  • Learning why you have a short temper so you can learn to control it better.
  • Attaining clearness on your goals to make a meaningful career decision.
  • Reach in with your significance to seek like-minded people for relationships.

2. Making a list of questions 

You should list questions or topics of interest that may help you get the information you seek. Try to make your questions as straightforward as possible to assist you in your search. 

  • What is my purpose in this life?
  • What happened in my past life that is affecting my current life?

3. Relevant to your current experience

List down a problem you are experiencing, and then seek the information you would like. Moreover,  narrow down your search and note down any relevant information to your existing experience. For example:

  • Is  my past holding something that could enable me to understand if this is the most suitable option for me?”
  • Why do I feel this is based on something more than I am aware of in my present life? If it’s true, guide me with the information on when and how this situation originated.

4. To attain complete focus, search for one question at once.

Adopting this method might make it more comfortable to acquire clearness on a matter, similar to how you might focus on one part of your life at a time. Concentrate on your relationships, profession, health, and other individual interests one at a time.

  • Will my relationship result in marriage, or do we have too many differences to work out?
  • Will I earn the promotion, or will I have to wait?

5. Express your intention by reciting aloud your question and asking for guidance. 

When you start accessing your Akashic records, say what aloud you want. Only focus on the question that you have listed down. Keep it at the top priority of your mind so you will remain focused on it during your search. Remember to state your question as precisely as it could be. For example

  • What occupations did I have in my past lives that may help me find what I should be in this life?

6. Always sit or lie down in a relaxing, calm place.

You may try to access your Akashic records anywhere, but it becomes more helpful if it’s somewhere no one can interrupt. Try doing it in a place like your bedroom with the door closed or early in the morning, at night, or at a time of day when no one is around to distract you. You can also use pillows or something more comfortable like blankets to make yourself cozy.

7. Always take deep breaths for five minutes.

After closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, inhale through your nose to the count, hold it, and exhale through your mouth. Give four counts each to all these three steps. Then continue to repeat the process for at least five minutes. If you feel unrest, you should continue it until you get deep relaxation.

8. Clear your questions through meditation 

After entering a state of deep relaxation, focus on your questions while clearing all the thoughts out of your mind. Repeat your question to stay focused. If your mind wanders at times, then this is normal. If you notice your thoughts straying to day-to-day concerns, redirect yourself to your mantra and continue meditating. Breathe deeply throughout the meditation.

9. Request access to the Akashic records

After meditating for five minutes or longer, you can access the Akashic records. You can request permission by asking out loud or even quietly. For example:

  • Please let me access the Akashic records to learn about my past life.

 After asking this question, continue to breathe deeply and clear your mind.

10. Wait and relax for the information to be received by your consciousness

After putting your question and requesting access to the Akashic records into the universe, you must relax and wait. Breathe throughout the process, meditate, and remain open-minded to any information that flows into your consciousness, as this may be arriving from your Akashic record. Always remember that the information can take various shapes. You may see, hear, smell, feel, or even taste to get a message to you. For example:

  •  If you’ve requested about your occupation in a prior life, you might see an ax in your mind’s eye, indicating that you were a carpenter.

11. Always introduce yourself by saying your name

The best way is to introduce yourself and question anyone that you encounter. When accessing the Akashic records, you might see or feel the existence of another being or soul around you. In this situation, introduce yourself and ask your question again. The presence of some other being can be a soul you knew from a past life. You may earn helpful details by taking a moment to familiarize yourself and ask for help. For example:

  • Hello, my name is Peter, and seeking information about my past traumatic experiences.

What to do after accessing Akashic Records?

After accessing your akashic records, remember to follow the below steps immediately:

  • After you are finished accessing your records, end your meditation, and start opening your eyes slowly.
  • While opening your eyes, get yourself familiar with your surroundings. 
  • Sit back up if you are lying down. 
  • You can also stand up or stay seated for a while.
  • Reflect on your experience after you finish your meditation. 
  • Write down your experience.
  • Try to repeat this meditation at least once a week. 
  • You can also ask the question as you did in the previous experience.

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