The Different Types of Immigration Solicitors

The work of an immigration solicitor differs in terms of its scope and nature. The profession involves two broad types of work, the first of which is in private practice, and the other is government or public interest work. The type of work that each of these two types of solicitors specializes in will vary from case to case. Here are some of the key characteristics of these professionals. They will provide you with the knowledge and expertise to successfully navigate your immigration application.

Work in private practice

If you’re looking to pursue a career in immigration law, you’ll find a variety of options in private practice. Immigration lawyers typically bill on a flat fee, but they can also bill on an hourly or contingency basis. If an attorney charges outside the market rate for their services, you should be wary, as they may be trying to “gouge” their clients by charging too little for their services. Furthermore, a law firm that bills very low may simply be pushing work to a very junior associate or legal assistant.

Public interest

The public interest of immigration solicitors can be found in many forms. For instance, public interest law firms are smaller than private law firms, and, as such, attorneys have more responsibility from day one. This practice allows them to work on important immigration issues without the pressure of large institutional clients. The public interest of immigration solicitors includes legal services organizations, nonprofit organizations, and even federal and state governments. A public interest lawyer will represent the public, rather than their own pocketbook.

Working in the public interest has several advantages. Aside from the high level of responsibility, public interest law work provides valuable experience and work-life balance. The primary disadvantage is compensation. Public interest lawyers typically receive lower compensation than private practitioners. However, this doesn’t mean that there are no advantages to working in this sector. Many public interest solicitors find their work in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and prosecutor offices. These positions can also be fulfilling and rewarding, even when they don’t earn a high salary.

A public interest job allows you to work for a cause that for-profit law firms are not interested in. These lawyers work for a non-profit organization or government agency, and their clients are generally in the public’s best interests. Because public interest organizations have low salaries, competition for these positions is fierce. However, attorneys who work in the public interest have a strong sense of purpose and satisfaction. Immigration lawyers are often sought after because of their legal expertise and compassion.


The Government Immigration Solicitors Association (GMIAU) provides free advice for immigrants and asylum seekers on a range of issues, including immigration and asylum law. The organization offers advice for individuals who have been under immigration control for more than 25 years, including those looking to migrate to the UK and those whose status has changed since they arrived. The GMIAU’s drop-in service is held every Tuesday at 8 am and is designed to assist individuals with all immigration and asylum-related questions.

The firm has a national immigration practice headed by Jeffrey Bell. He has experience in employment-based immigration, including EB-1 visas and EB-5 investor visas. He also handles issues relating to foreign investment and global mobility. In addition, he also represents clients before the US Department of Homeland Security. Meanwhile, Carlos Ortez focuses on the employment-related aspects of immigration. These lawyers have a solid understanding of the process and can help clients navigate through it.

Despite their name, Government immigration solicitors are not the only legal professionals who deal with immigration. The OISC has a register of immigration advisers. People can use it to find an adviser, as well as complain about them. However, you cannot get your money back if your adviser has been disbarred from practicing law. The OISC also maintains a list of banned advisers. They are a great source of information about the services and qualifications of immigration solicitors.

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