In this article, we have covered the top sales techniques you can use to improve your sales skills and become a better sales person.
5 Sales Techniques to Improve Your Sales
Pay Close Attention to Your Prospects
According to Mark Roberge, former CRO of HubSpot’s Sales Division, “you know you’re running a modern sales team when selling feels more like a doctor-patient relationship and less like a salesperson-prospect relationship.”
So, what exactly does he mean by that?
We must be able to listen to our prospects in order to be effective salespeople. We live in a self-centered culture, thanks in part to social media, so as a salesperson, you must care about your prospects — and not just on the surface. That will come across in your conversations, helping to build trust and close deals.
Increase Trust Through Education
When you’re trying to sell someone a product or service, it can be difficult to build trust. We’ve been conditioned to have a negative reaction to “salespeople,” who are portrayed as slimy and untrustworthy.
So it’s critical that you nurture that relationship and build trust with your prospect today. Education is a great way to accomplish this.
When we say education, we really mean your content. Use your blog, premium content offers, webinars, and other content to educate your prospects on what your company has to offer.
Don’t launch into the hard pitch right away. They will begin to trust you if you help to educate them, allowing them to make their own decisions (which you have helped guide toward your solution). And once you have trust, you have a much better chance of winning the relationship.
Personalize your educational outreach efforts to reap the greatest benefits. Sending the same blog post to 20 people is nothing more than marketing. Sales is a one-on-one discussion.
Instead of sending a blog post or webinar by itself, take a quote from a relevant content offering and apply it specifically to your prospect to provide education, leverage the content you have, and still be human.
Concentrate on Serving
How often do you get a call from a salesperson who only talks about the latest features of the product they’re selling? You politely listen but wonder, “Yeah, but how does this help me?”
The truth is that features are useless. At least in the way that sales typically positions them. What you really want to know is, “How will what you’re selling help me with X?” In essence, you want to know how the offer will address your concerns.
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As a salesperson, this distinction is critical. Rather than focusing on your solution’s features, consider how those features can benefit your prospect. How are you addressing one of their issues or pain points?
If you know who your buyer personas are, you’ll know what their challenges and pain points are, and how your solution addresses them. This is your chance to emphasise the advantages of your product or service, i.e., how you can make that person’s day a little easier.
When you can sell the benefits, you’ll have an easier time convincing prospects that your company can best meet their needs. You can use a CRM tool to improve your sales.
Conclude each meeting with an action item.
Instead of saying something like, “I’ll follow up with you on our next steps,” create your next steps right away when you leave your next meeting.
We put this methodology to the test on our own sales team and saw incredible results. We used to conclude our meetings with prospects by informing them that they could expect to hear from us in a few hours and providing a few times that worked for our next meeting. We kept finding it more difficult to schedule the next meeting.
As a result, we decided to change our strategy. When we end a sales call, we now end on a concrete action. We all pull out our calendars and immediately schedule our next meeting. What’s more, guess what? As a result, our conversion rates have increased.
Don’t leave a sales meeting empty-handed the next time. Set up your next meeting with the prospect while you’re there, or at the very least have a concrete action plan that both parties have agreed on.
Make Use of Your Marketing Team
Your marketing and sales teams must be in sync. There is so much that these two departments can learn from one another to help the organisation achieve its main goal of increasing revenue.
Use your marketing team to your advantage when it comes to sales. Discuss with them what your prospects are saying — are they responding positively to a piece of content? Did they dislike the webinar that they attended? Share your findings with your marketing team so that they can continue to provide you with higher and higher quality leads. You should also inform the marketing team about your findings. Transparency will make you both more effective.
Marketing should assist your sales team in becoming more successful. Part of that is delivering leads, part is enabling sales with good content, and part is ensuring a smooth handover. To accomplish all of this, marketing must collaborate with sales.
We have a revenue team at New Breed rather than separate marketing and sales teams, so marketing and sales are focused on the same goal: generating revenue. Because marketing is evaluated based on its contribution to revenue rather than the number of leads it generates, it is more incentivized to bring in high-quality leads with a high likelihood of becoming clients.
However, if there isn’t communication between the two teams, marketing won’t have the information they need to ensure they’re providing qualified leads to sales. Write for us business about your feedback on this article.