A proportional pinch valve consists of different components. The three major ones are housing, end connections and the internal rubber sleeve. The rubber sleeve is the main component of the pneumatic pinch valve. The rubber sleeve is connected in the housing valve from the inlet out outlet part and you must know that the sleeve is the only thing that is going to come into contact with the medium inside the valve. This is why it is made up of rubber material. The end connections of the pinch valve are screwed and threaded at the end of each support point of the valve.
When the pressure is applied in the rubber sleeves of the valve the sleeves would simply open or push down the conventional gate valves and would open/close the flow passage depending on the action of the user. The working of the proportional pinch valves is very easy as compared to the old mechanical valves which were used in the past. Now there are many advantages and disadvantages of using the modern air actuated valve equipment. Some of them have been discussed below:
Advantages of proportional pinch valve devices
The top advantages of the pinch valve pneumatic systems have been discussed below for your knowledge:
- The first benefit of using the proportional pinch valve is that they can easily control the flow of abrasive, granular and corrosive mediums.
- The pinch valves have self cleaning features which is why you can see that there is no clogging of the media in the straight flow path.
- There is very minimum turbulence and almost zero friction faced by the medium inside the valve and this is because of the internal sleeves.
- The best thing about the proportional pinch valves is that they can keep all sorts of contamination away from the media. You don’t have to worry about water or other fluids getting dirty.
- The pinch pneumatic valve equipment is very easy to maintain. The maintenance cost is quite low. The worst you have to do is change the internal rubber sleeves if they get damaged of which there is a very low chance.
- The proportional pinch valves have strong seals so there is no chance of leakage or losses.
- There is very less time for opening and closing of the valve which makes it more efficient in its working.
- The best thing about these valves is that they consume very little energy.
Disadvantages of proportional pinch valve devices
There are also some cons of pinch valves which we have discussed below for your knowledge:
- First you should know that the internal sleeves of the valve have elastomeric properties which makes it unsuitable for all sorts of high temperature applications.
- The second important disadvantage of the electric pinch valve is that due to high pressure applications the rubber sleeve can deform which can result in problems in the opening of the valve.
- Thirdly you must know that the valve is not suitable for vacuum related uses.
These are some of the pros and cons of proportional pinch valve devices that you have to keep in mind when you are buying one for a certain application. There are multiple models in the market so make sure you pick the one which suits your requirements!